Rejuvenate Yourself with Venus Legacy™
Sagging skin and cellulite can be difficult to get rid of, even with diet and exercise. If you struggle with these issues, however, there is hope. Dr. Afifi and her team offer treatment using cutting-edge technology to help firm sagging skin and reduce cellulite, creating more flattering curves and an appealing silhouette.
The Venus Legacy Experience
This innovative technology provides us with a way to visibly reduce unwanted wrinkles, sagging skin, and cellulite in a non-invasive, non-surgical outpatient procedure. With this treatment, patients see real results with no scarring and no discoloration.
Venus Legacy combines two technologies for dynamic results. The Multi-Polar Radio Frequency (RF) provides therapeutic heat to the skin and deep tissue, while the Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF) delivers homogeneous energy. This combination stimulates the body’s synthesis of collagen, essential for a firm and toned look.
This device is further enhanced by VariPulse™ technology, which uses pulsed suction to enhance the cellulite-eliminating effects. This treatment stimulates blood circulation and improves lymphatic drainage, allowing the treatment to penetrate deeper layers of tissue for more successful results.
Drinking plenty of water is critical in having the best results. Temperature is better tolerated if you are well hydrated.
45 degrees for 3 straight minutes - it's stated that this guarantees permanent fat reduction!
Brisk walk after treatment is optimal - to allow lymphatic drainage and best results.
Some patient feel tired after treatment as the toxins are released via lipolysis - so hydration and exercise after treatments is actually better to allow all the toxins to naturally get out of your body.
Where is the fat going? It gets disposed through our urine and our fo our breath - so that's why drinking more water is ideal!!!
Some patients may bruise - so avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and fish oil, it can increase your risk of bruising.
There are 2 energies:
1) Radiofrequency
2) Pulsed electromagnetic fields
Lower lid - diamond polar and 3 minutes to get rid of lower lid bags! No heat is emitted and the device is "parked" and allows resolution fluid.

Frequently Asked Questions
This treatment produces heat under the surface of the skin that helps to increase collagen and elastin fibers naturally. It sculpts and tightens skin and removes the appearance of cellulite.
Most people will see results after the first treatment, with long term improvement in six to eight treatments.
Venus is non-invasive and does not destroy fat cells. I do reduce cells, but the effects of the treatment come from the stimulation of collagen that promotes skin tightening.